
•Height: 5'3"-ish (varies)

•Pronouns: She/her

•Species: ??? (witch)

•Parts: Vagina, can vary between forms.

•Relationships: Lochlynn (crush,) Panko (crush,) Sid (crush)

•Abilities: She can turn herself into whatever form she has sex with; ei having sex with Panko will give her a tanooki form, Lochlynn will give her a dragon form, ect. She can't completely copy the person, though.

•Bad Habits: She often develops crushes on almost everyone she meets, regardless of who they are. This makes her extra gullible, and paired with how easily distracted she is, can be a recipe for disaster. She also has a terrible fear of humans.

Although appearing like a werewolf, Roxy is a witch that can change her form at will-- as long as she's come into physical contact with said form, that is. She travels around Vethfolnia looking for new friends and new forms.

Roxy was created by Nin.